Friday 31 May 2013

Looking to the future

If you walk around any supermarket today the competition between brands is huge.
How do they continue to compete with one another and strive for a point of difference.

A new typeface, a trendy name, sales promotion, advertising, offers, viral campaigns and more - are agencies faced with creating just more of the same but different?

 - and believe me I've had my fair share of design briefs that have requested ...

 "I want it just like that - but different " !

As creative thinkers and designers I believe we carry a responsibility to work with brand owners and help them develop their products with "design thinking" - creative thinking that goes beyond new graphics and shouting the loudest.

So, if youre thinking about a re-design, I'd say think about where your brands going and does that link to your business plan and marketing strategy.

Consumers are more and more aware of over packaged products and recycling waste has become a daily chore for most households - the effect it has on me is to think - why are we buying products that are over packed, and why are companies still wasting resources and expense? Creative thinking can offer solutions to reduce packaging and think of alternative solutions.

I find it bizzare that we are still selling food in tin cans - according to wikipedia the first tin can was patented in 1810 - thats two hundred years ago !! 

Will brand owners change their thinking or carry on with more of the same until one day they find consumers have moved on to environmentally friendly products and less recycling to take out. Only time will tell !

Phil Turner
Creative Director 
Howe Design Manchester

1 comment:

Jeremy Dent said...

Good start, Phil. Keep it going!

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